This download contains a complete set of file fixes that, can be annoying for most users.
If you are having problems with fonts running off the page, not displaying fonts and GUI backgrounds then this will help.
This is more than just a few fixes, in the download there is a folder you can install all of the fixes and custom items or just the ones you want.
Widescreen and Ultra-widescreen players may find this a nice upgrade.
For everybody no matter what resolution you play on the fixes include the dod scoreboard to suit a 32 player server and not cut off, loads of font fixes and image edits so items like kills and deaths don't overlap. Some standard file errors in dod you may not be aware of.
The custom items are a special command menu with lots of adjustments new players and old can explore.
Also some custom crosshairs with a userconfig.cfg script to control them.
These are items every dod player both experienced and new may appreciate.
To find out what's in this at the basic level you can read the readme here.
The way the files are installed is using the dod_addon folder. That means if you don't like them... delete one folder and they are gone.
Here is a brief description of whats in the download...
There is a lot to absorb there, read about them and install all at once or select what you like.
Don't forget if you don't like the entire package... deleting the "dod_addon" folder and the files are gone without disturbing the dod standard files.
Using that method, you can try the files, delete that folder or "reinstall" via the folders, in case you only want a certain item offered but not the whole package.
That may become important if I release a version 2 of this with different file sets.
The fonts issues:
The "Ultra-Wide" resolutions are tricky to get right in fonts and other visual items, there will be more releases as VALVE release updates to Half-Life as one of the things they are doing is "fixing" HUD scaling.
I have already found that certain fonts display differently like in this screenshot...
The font settings there (for "EngineFont" in resourceTrackerScheme.res) "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond" FONT SIZE 26 - WEIGHT 550" used in that 21:9 3440 x 1440 resolution"
Some "condensed" fonts are very good at spacing between words. "Franklin Gothic Medium Cond" is one of them, showing good viewing of the netgraph, Kills and Deaths and Player ID.
For those that experience problems...reach out to me as I may have a font set that works for you.
Adding fonts that are not in your standard operating system fonts folder is possible, Linux, apple and versions of windows... all have different standard fonts. There is a process in the files to add these custom fonts.
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