- Details
- Written by: INsane
- Category: Sturmbot Installation
- Hits: 11086

In this page I will list a few errors and solutions to them people have when installing SturmBot related programs.
You can help by using the comments replies or the forums so we have some answers.
Error List
I cannot see the SturmBot menu but SturmBot is installed
The SturmBot menu used to work but now it does not display in game
"There are no waypoints for this map" (In game error message)
Application removal Could not open logfile 'c:\windows\st6unst.000' (Windows system. Start up error)
Well that is what this whole page is about, you will have to do some simple checks first.
Check you installed it correctly: Make sure you installed Sturmbot in the correct folder, if you did there should be a "sturmbot" folder inside the "dod" folder, e.g...
64 Bit :C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\dod\sturmbot
32 Bit :C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\dod\sturmbot
Did you use INsane's installer or the original SturmBot installer?
If you used my installer you should be OK to go if it went in the correct folder. Contact me through the forums, (registration required) or the email contact form and I will deal with your issue.
If you used the original SturmBot team installer please review this section, you could have missed some steps!
I cannot see the SturmBot menu but SturmBot is installed
This can be a couple of things, make sure you installed Sturmbot in the correct folder...
64 Bit :C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\dod\sturmbot
32 Bit :C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\dod\sturmbot
Also, if you used the original installer you could have missed the step where you adjust the liblist.gam file, you need to manually edit it.
For both of the above, look at this section and check your files.
The SturmBot menu used to work but now it does not display in game
This can be because the bot program was not loaded yet when you entered the map.
Fix: wait until the bot program loads, wait for the SturmBot title to display after the map loads... then press the bind to the menu.
Or: Version 1.7b does have an issue with the menu. Version 1.6 does work. If you use 1.7b consider using my menu, or the steam installer package that has the menu.
There are no waypoints for this map
This just means there are no waypoints in your "Half-Life\dod\sturmbot\waypoints" folder. Most commonly it means the map you are running has never had a set made for it. Have a quick read here about waypoints. You may even consider making your own? Give it a try here.
If used the original StrumBot installer it only comes with 51 waypoints. Not all for custom maps and a few are faulty like dod_glider. How about installing over 600 with fixes to maps like dod glider? Get them here.
I have a dedicated downloads section for that, if you have some you made, join the site, (registration required) and upload yours or post them in the forums here.
Maybe request some in the forums here. (registration required for forums).
I have a menu that makes it a little easier, look at that here.
Application removal Could not open logfile 'c:\windows\st6unst.000' (Error message)
This is an error from the installer of SturmBot Loader 1.2. You may not have followed all the instructions here.
The effect is on a windows start up get this error.
Fix: Just browse to C\windows\ , find "ST6UNST.exe" and delete it.
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